Thank you Larry & Patty for the pictures of Addie’s 1st Birthday.
Thank you Richard for the new pictures of Clyde.
Murphy & Marcy with Michelle and her mom. They seem to have settled in well.
Thank you Erika, Zach, and Oscar. We are happy to hear he enjoyed his birthday.
Lancer is now Brody. He is now living in New Jersy with his new family.
Macy is now enjoying her new life in California with her new family.good home.
Mickey and his new friend Lizard (the cat). Thank you again Cindy for giving him a good home.
Tonka convinces his new friend that they should play.
Roxie, now Bella, is enjoying life with Stacy in Minnesota.
Andy (George) This is Alex and George, they live in Washington D.C.
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